19 May, 2012

So Much Stuff And The Solar Eclipse In Gemini

Stuff is an interesting word.  Your stuff, my stuff or just stuff.  Packed away in boxes, in the chest of drawers, hidden in the closet.  I haven't been blogging much lately and that is for one reason - we finally sold our house.  Our 85 years old charmer, on the bluff, overlooking the sea, the mountains and surrounded by the forest.  Times were good, times were bad.  The house demanded more than we could keep up with.  But we did it, we made it a lovely home and now it is time to go somewhere else.

What we are leaving behind...

Things I will miss...fun days at the beach, sunny days (very few), friends of our little beach boy coming over (he is not so little anymore), the eagles, the whales, my hummingbirds, the windstorms...many things.  Well if your dream has been living far away from the civilized world, in an romantic kind of a house (our friends always loved staying here), you may not think about other less pleasant things you might encounter such as - no matter how much you heat the house you are still cold, crazy windstorms, power outages (you need to learn how to use the back up generator).  I won't miss living in a constant remodel (that puts your marriage through a test or better yet, a series of them), I won't miss the occasional pests, the mice, the spiders, the funky kitchen and the anticipation of what else can go wrong or brake and when.  But you know we can't have it all.  The good comes with the bad and vice versa.  Leaving and moving is a journey.  What have I discovered on this journey?  That I am a hoarder!  Perhaps something to do with my Taurus Rising and Venus being the ruler of my own birth chart.  Maybe.  I just can't let go of that stuff.  Some stuff got donated, some stuff is stored at four different places including a town storage.  Call me a pack rat.  This is an awakening for me.  The stuff has to go.  I pledge not to get more stuff unless I give up some stuff.  Stuff is everywhere.  For the last days, I have been even having dreams about all this stuff.  The more you have the more you become a slave of your stuff.  Just like the Little Prince in my most beloved book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, you become  the Little Prince that is responsible for his rose, her has to take care of it, water it, watch over it.  I feel responsible for my stuff.  The Wok I never used, the cup from my husband's uncle, the stuff I picked up at various garage sales because it has reminded me of something, the stuff that was given to me by family and friends.  My stuff is not fancy, some is new stuff, fun stuff, broken stuff, some if it is old. 

With moving this stuff, the change is coming upon my family.  Would it be easier without all of this stuff?  What is change?  Well, one of my favorite quotations is this one:

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies."

And things are changing.  Our official last full day at the house is coincidentally May 20, the day of the anticipated Gemini Solar Eclipse.  What are solar eclipses?  They are powerful New Moons signaling major endings and beginnings.  Gemini symbolizes duality.  Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, is conjunct Ceres, Sedna and Jupiter in Taurus.  The Sun and Moon will conjoin the Pleiades at roughly 28 degrees of Taurus.  The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Mayans oriented their pyramids and temples toward the Pleiades.  We are so close to unveil the new dimensions and our new purpose.  We need to embrace the change no matter how uncomfortable it may seem (sleeping at your friend's house before moving in to your new place).  Follow your inner voice, follow your heart.  Feel and find the love.  You have to leave your old comfort and zone and embrace the change.  That is the message of our Solar Eclipse.  Follow your light, follow your heart and follow your love.  Immerse yourself in your own feelings.  Discover things, discover you.

This eclipse will bring us change.  How are you dealing with this change?  New house, new job, new beginnings. What is your change? No matter if it is good or bad, just go with the flow.  This Solar Eclipse in Gemini will for sure show you the road less travelled.

Happy travels!

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