08 August, 2012

Wenlock and Mandenville - Where Did You Come From?

The 2012 London Summer Olympics are here.  It is hard to believe that it has been four years since the last Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.  The Sun is in Leo and Leo wants to shine!  Leo’s energy is keeping the spirits high, optimistic and bright.  The chart of the London Olympics is a challenging one but that is not to say that these events will be all gloom and doom.  The chart has three Yods.  A Yod is a rare astrological aspect that can involve any celestial body.  It looks like a “Y” on any axis.  Two of the planets are sextile and and both inconjunct a third planet sharing neither gender, element, nor mode.    This placement of the planets can cause controversies, blurry outcomes, tense energies.  One can find a lot of information and conspiracy theories  that talk about the London Summer Olympics.  The three Yods just point out that there will be many different interpretations on what to expect from these events.  The Mercury was in retrograde during the opening ceremony and has now gone direct.  There are many ways of looking at the Games – perhaps it is just an entertainment, perhaps it symbolizes our pride, presents us with collective messages and spiritual awakenings - all of the energies of the three Yods.  What do the Olympics mean to you, do you cheer for an individual or a team?  Do the Olympics remind us that we can be competitive without using a force, without endangering someone else?  Some people believe the Olympics are here to reveal a message to us, and maybe that they point us towards our saviour, so we can become a part of the collective.  Are the aliens  watching us?  Good-bye past and welcome future.  Privacy is the thing of the past.  Wenlock is watching you!  :)
Take it or leave it attitude is sure going to apply during the entire event since it fits within the Games’ chart.  Mercury retrograde has created already some confusions and blurry messages but hey, for an event this large – things have been running pretty smoothly.  Mars, the planet of the competition is present at every sports event during the Olympics.  It is now in a friendly and sociable Libra – the sign of diplomacy and peace.  The sign of Libra serves its purpose during the Olympics since it emphasizes a healthy competition.  Mars is also close to being conjunct to Saturn.  Mars wants us to go, go, go and Saturn questions everything Mars is about to experience.  Saturn, the teacher, controls the expansive Mars – thus, the Olympics are very well organized.  Our economy and the world crisis will continue for months to come and is not likely to disappear; at least we can all immerse ourselves into the spirit of the Games and forget about the worries of the world – at least for now.  Isn’t it nice to see this kind of healthy competition and celebrate the achievements of many who have prepared so diligently and tirelessly to take part in the Olympic Games in London. Wenlock might be watching them, Mercury retrograde may have played a trick or two on them but the Sun in Leo shines on.  Mars in Libra gives them the kind of stamina that comes hand in hand with humility.  Speaking of stars aligned just right!