29 May, 2012

A Little Chaos At The Eleventh House

There has been a little chaos at The Eleventh House.  Our family is not completely moved out of our old house yet.  Paperwork, more formalities and all the other good things are holding us back.  Most of the stuff that I was writing about in my earlier post is gone (stored or donated).  Job well done for a pack rat like me.  Furniture is gone, boxes are gone, just a few last things that we still need are here.  It seems more peaceful without all that stuff although there is still some chaos and anticipation.  Will it all go well with the sale, will we be able to move to that new rental home?  At least this lengthy process made me realize that all the material possessions are just "things" and if I can survive with less I can survive!  I may come across as a hoarder or a borderline one, but it could be worse.  Wish I could be more Pisces like my Sun sign.  More careless, more flexible.  My Taurus rising is overshadowing all that is much needed during big changes like this.  I am trying to rise above and try to live with as little as we have now - even my kitchen stuff is mostly packed and in storage.  I am starting to enjoy the lightness of this transitional state.  Do you feel like it is sometimes much easier to live during a transition?  Is it the anticipation of the unknown that is comforting to you?  Or is it bothersome?  Is it the stability that scares you or is it the fact that you don't know where you end up from one day to the next?

25 May, 2012

A Few Words About Me

First of all, I want to thank you all for reading my blog.  Some of you have contacted me and gave me some nice feedback, some of you are here close, some of you are on the other side of the globe.  What made me decide to start blogging?  Well, many of my friends that are already experienced bloggers have talked me into it.  I never thought of myself as the writing type.  I much rather play the piano or sing, draw or paint.  I was not born with the gift of gab.  I wanted to write about astrology but in a way that would be enjoyable to most people.  Astrology can be fun and it does not need to be in a language that is incomprehensible to most. So I hope you enjoy reading my blog. 

How long have been practicing astrology?  That would be close to 18 years now.  I have been interested in astrology since I was quite young.  It actually started with astronomy and my interest in the stars.  I studied astrology in Europe and then later took classes in America as well where I also completed my university degree in Chemistry.  So I am a scientist who loves astrology.  My "day" jobs have always been lacking something.  I have found it in astrology.  I have been able to meet the most interesting people through astrology.  I have been able to give them a tool to get to know  themselves through understanding of their birth chart.  My father was an avid fisherman.  He always told me that it transformed him to another realm.  Well, the same goes for me and astrology.  I love what I do and I love to share it with people.

Do I do private consultations?  Yes, you can check out my website bluestarastrology.com or e-mail me at bruckner.andrea@gmail.com.  I do consultations in person, on the phone or via Skype.  I work with people from all around the world and I also work odd hours in my regular job so I am well aware of the time zone changes.

Why do I write in English?  Czech and Slovak are my native languages.  German was my first language until I was six.  I speak other languages as well but English is just more convenient I guess and most people speak it.  So if there are occasional typos, all of you native speakers please forgive me :)

So that is my little story.  

Be well!

Live Your Life Fully

Life is short so live your life fully.

I don't really want to preach but a few things that have happened to my family and friends recently have prompted me to share this quote.  So get out there and enjoy the weekend.


24 May, 2012

Moon In Cancer And The Old Man

Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Gemini.  Our minds are going with the speed of light.  Our dreams are vivid.  But what is different is the Moon in Cancer.  Do you feel like you just want to hide?  To be with your family?  To be the protector and to be protected?

I saw the old man at work today.  The usual, the regular.  My coworkers don't like to deal with him.  He is strange.  Only God knows who he is and where he came from.  I only know his name and his address.  Every time I had to deal with him in the past I was never too happy about it.  He is dirty, he has all sorts of skin growths on his body, he has a large bulging bump on his throat.  I often wonder whether he even goes to the doctor.  But I am pretty sure he has no health insurance.  He can't really talk, he only makes sounds.  I think he has no tongue, really.  When he wants to get his point across, he only makes some kind of noises, and then gets frustrated when people don't understand him. 

Today, there he was.  I cringed when I saw that old man again.  I did not want to deal with him.  I am sad to admit this as I never felt like this before.  But I am honest and just a human.  This time I had a strange feeling.  I thought of him as a little boy, some mother's son, a baby that was born, first steps, first stories read, first bicycle ride, first day of school.  This man is someone's son and that someone is most likely not alive anymore.  Instead of business as usual - no smile and just a serious face, I smiled at him.  We helped him, we served him.  This time when I was walking away from him I thought of that little boy he once was.  What can happen to us?  Life shapes us and sometimes it gets pretty tough and we end up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Moon in Cancer can evoke feelings of compassion.  Let it do just that.  Cancer Moon cares, Cancer moon is compassionate, it wants to embrace the disadvantaged, it wants to take care of the unwanted. How do you experience the influence of the Moon in Cancer?  Whatever it does, don't hide your feelings, share them and let them soar above just like the birds, the eagles, the leaves in the wind.

The Month Of Gemini

So we began our month of Gemini on the 20th of May with a Solar Eclipse square Neptune.  If there was any disillusionment, deception, confusion, if you felt disappointed in something or someone here you go.  Pretty tough and intense placements of planets.  Mercury was conjunct Jupiter on the 21st of May and that may have helped to open our mind to some hidden opportunities that would benefit us that we have not discovered yet.  Sun square Neptune created some obscure dynamics, the inability to read our own intuitive mind, creating confusion and feeling of being lost.  Today, Mercury entered Gemini and will square Neptune on the 25th.  Mercury in Gemini will make it a bit difficult to understand conversations, being rational and practical.  So if you are dealing with some business issues or issues at work, stay low, don't stress out - I know it is easier said than done but this too, shall pass.  Sun will conjunct Mercury on the 27th so we might take things a little too personally.  Mercury will also be sextile to Uranus and that will aid us to open our mind to great thoughts, new things and we will generate some brilliant new ideas.   This is not a walk in a park, these are some intense energies we are dealing with.  When times like this happen I think that I am no longer in a row boat on a quiet lake in Central Europe, fishing with my papa (my father) but that I am a surf girl on a wide open Pacific Ocean in cold waters of the northern coast of North America.  Times have changed and so have the planets.  Astrology evolves, there are the quiet times, there are the hectic times.  This month will not be a quiet one.  Happy surfing!

19 May, 2012

So Much Stuff And The Solar Eclipse In Gemini

Stuff is an interesting word.  Your stuff, my stuff or just stuff.  Packed away in boxes, in the chest of drawers, hidden in the closet.  I haven't been blogging much lately and that is for one reason - we finally sold our house.  Our 85 years old charmer, on the bluff, overlooking the sea, the mountains and surrounded by the forest.  Times were good, times were bad.  The house demanded more than we could keep up with.  But we did it, we made it a lovely home and now it is time to go somewhere else.

What we are leaving behind...

Things I will miss...fun days at the beach, sunny days (very few), friends of our little beach boy coming over (he is not so little anymore), the eagles, the whales, my hummingbirds, the windstorms...many things.  Well if your dream has been living far away from the civilized world, in an romantic kind of a house (our friends always loved staying here), you may not think about other less pleasant things you might encounter such as - no matter how much you heat the house you are still cold, crazy windstorms, power outages (you need to learn how to use the back up generator).  I won't miss living in a constant remodel (that puts your marriage through a test or better yet, a series of them), I won't miss the occasional pests, the mice, the spiders, the funky kitchen and the anticipation of what else can go wrong or brake and when.  But you know we can't have it all.  The good comes with the bad and vice versa.  Leaving and moving is a journey.  What have I discovered on this journey?  That I am a hoarder!  Perhaps something to do with my Taurus Rising and Venus being the ruler of my own birth chart.  Maybe.  I just can't let go of that stuff.  Some stuff got donated, some stuff is stored at four different places including a town storage.  Call me a pack rat.  This is an awakening for me.  The stuff has to go.  I pledge not to get more stuff unless I give up some stuff.  Stuff is everywhere.  For the last days, I have been even having dreams about all this stuff.  The more you have the more you become a slave of your stuff.  Just like the Little Prince in my most beloved book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, you become  the Little Prince that is responsible for his rose, her has to take care of it, water it, watch over it.  I feel responsible for my stuff.  The Wok I never used, the cup from my husband's uncle, the stuff I picked up at various garage sales because it has reminded me of something, the stuff that was given to me by family and friends.  My stuff is not fancy, some is new stuff, fun stuff, broken stuff, some if it is old. 

With moving this stuff, the change is coming upon my family.  Would it be easier without all of this stuff?  What is change?  Well, one of my favorite quotations is this one:

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies."

And things are changing.  Our official last full day at the house is coincidentally May 20, the day of the anticipated Gemini Solar Eclipse.  What are solar eclipses?  They are powerful New Moons signaling major endings and beginnings.  Gemini symbolizes duality.  Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, is conjunct Ceres, Sedna and Jupiter in Taurus.  The Sun and Moon will conjoin the Pleiades at roughly 28 degrees of Taurus.  The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Mayans oriented their pyramids and temples toward the Pleiades.  We are so close to unveil the new dimensions and our new purpose.  We need to embrace the change no matter how uncomfortable it may seem (sleeping at your friend's house before moving in to your new place).  Follow your inner voice, follow your heart.  Feel and find the love.  You have to leave your old comfort and zone and embrace the change.  That is the message of our Solar Eclipse.  Follow your light, follow your heart and follow your love.  Immerse yourself in your own feelings.  Discover things, discover you.

This eclipse will bring us change.  How are you dealing with this change?  New house, new job, new beginnings. What is your change? No matter if it is good or bad, just go with the flow.  This Solar Eclipse in Gemini will for sure show you the road less travelled.

Happy travels!

11 May, 2012

Alphonse Mucha "Le Mois" - The Months

My Twelve Friends

We all need to be nurtured – yes, even if you are a guy you may need a little bit of nurturing.  This has been my my observation since I was immersed into the men’s world from the day I was born; and I am still in it – Venus in the world of Mars.  In this blog post I wanted to write about how much I appreciate the women in my life – my girlfriends.  Let’s celebrate ourselves, have fun.  We are all worth it!

My Aries friend is not afraid, she is confident.  When I feel like I just need a little courage she is there for me and says that we all can overcome obstacles and fears.  She is the champion of her own soul journey, she is here to conquer life and anything that stands in her way is by no means a source of fear.  To learn to be courageous and spontaneous we all need an Aries friend.  And when it comes to getting a raise?  Aries friend will give you a lesson or two. 

My Taurus friend can make a camping trip turn into a five star hotel experience.  Candles, decorations, lights and pillows make it so much more fun and comfortable.  Her meals are planned to the last detail and let’s say it is a feast – a camping feast.  So when I am totally unmotivated and too tired to make my house a home I think of my Taurus friend.  I light a candle, pour a glass of wine and start making dinner.  Your Taurus friend lives on Venus and life is good!

Do you ever feel like you just don’t care about what is going on in the world anymore?  I have been there, trying to isolate myself from it all.  And when I feel that way, my phone usually rings and voila, it is my Gemini friend.  In an instant I know what is happening in the world and in your neighbourhood and who is doing what.  Long before I know it my Gemini friend is organizing our girls’ night out get together, so let’s have some fun!

As I mentioned earlier – we all need to be nurtured.  And guess what - your Cancer friend is the best nurturer.  It is all about making us feel at home when we need that, no matter where we are.  When I was not feeling well, it was my Cancer friend that showed up at my house with a basket full of goodies.   You don’t need to be a self-pitying Pisces to love that!  Let your friend know that her caring and concern is truly appreciated. 

Life is fun with Leo.  Spur-of-the-moment trips (before we both got married and had children), karaoke nights (even when married) and shopping are just the small examples of fun past times that bind us together.  Your Leo friend can make you feel like a movie star - I am already feeling like Jennifer Lopez (a Leo) – feeling like it but far from it, ha!  My Leo friend has a heart of gold and she is the most generous person I know.

My closets scream “Help!” and I need to seriously change my diet for the better.  Skipping breakfast is not good.  My Virgo friend is always on top of her schedule.  She keeps her closets organized and her diet in balance.  Being around my friend makes me want to try harder.  After talking to her I feel like I want to have a fresh start.  My monthly gym membership will be religiously used from now on. 

Harmony is the best word that describes my Libra friend.  She surrounds herself with beauty and peace.  She has taught me to see both sides of the coin.  She is the diplomat of the Zodiac.  When I feel I am losing ground and get too lost in the constant rat race that is just a part of our life - I think of her.  I turn on some nice music, watch a nice movie or just quietly observe the nature that surrounds me and I feel the balance.

Having a problem?  Dial 1-800-SCORPIO.  OK, I haven’t actually tried that number but I thought of a car license plate that said – “Mum said no?  Dial 1-800-GRANDMA.”  We can talk about things – the meaning of life, life and death, afterlife.  We can talk about religion or psychology.   The best way to experience your own psychological transformation is with your Scorpio friend.  And what you tell her will go no further. 

My Sagittarius friend is the most adventurous one.  She and I have our dream trips already planned.  But that will have to wait for a while.  We can talk for hours about philosophies, travel, food, fun and all the good things in life.  And there is always wine, we love to drink some nice wine when we talk.  So when you feel the need to be adventurous and spiritual think Sagittarian – take a break and dream a little.  See where it takes you.

When no one is answering your phone or Skype call - who will?  Your Capricorn friend will.  She has not changed for years.  She is there, always reliable and on time.  When you need a reality check and when you want to get back on track think of your Capricorn friend.  I have known my Capricorn friend since we were four or five years old.  Thousands of miles separate us now but that hasn’t really changed a thing.

My Aquarian friend is the champion of human rights.  She is the tireless activist who always has hope that things will, eventually get better.  She is involved with so many activities and groups.  She does yoga, meditation, she exercises.  She does so well on her own, she is an independent spirit.  So when you think you are becoming needy or expect too much think of your Aquarian friend and go your own independent way.  There is so much to discover. 
My Pisces friend is compassionate and caring.  She understands the ebbs and flows of human emotions.  I know one side of her very well, as she is sociable and fun.  But the other side is hidden, that is between the universe and her.  That is what is hidden in the depths of the ocean.  Her emotions are up and down but she is keeping it cool.  My Pisces friend loves the nature; she is the ultimate saviour of the environment, the tree hugging kind of a girl.

04 May, 2012

Scorpio Full Moon and First Full Moon in May

Tonight we are being embraced by a powerful Moon in Scorpio.  On Saturday, May 5th we will experience Full Moon in Scorpio.  This will be passionate, powerful and intense.  In order to better define what we want in life - health, love, better job, peace and so on, we must first let go of any past emotional hurts that we still carry in us.  To so so we should meditate for a while tomorrow.  It doesn't need to be a complicated meditation, simple breathing, relaxing and a quiet atmosphere for at least a few minutes will do.  Let us bring up one of the smaller emotional hurts and upsets we carry with us, bring it up to the light, think about it, release it and let it go.  Forgive those who have caused us the pain and move on.  Perhaps it is your boss or a former manager, perhaps it is your coworker or maybe a family member.  Don't dwell on your pain just acknowledge it and move on to the next one.  See how many emotional pains and grudges you can bring up and release.  Don't try to push yourself very far as this can feel very draining.  The important thing here is to release yourself from the hurt and the blame.  Being clear and free of any past negative emotions will provide you with an open mind that will be ready to receive positive energy from the Universe.

And since Scorpio is about past emotional hurts, Scorpio Full Moon is a perfect opportunity to deal with these issues.  You will feel a lot better and lighter.

Tomorrow's Full Moon will also coincide with Wesak the most important Buddhist festival - The First Full Moon in May.  You can read more about it at this page:


And last but not least, Happy Cinco de Mayo!