29 May, 2012

A Little Chaos At The Eleventh House

There has been a little chaos at The Eleventh House.  Our family is not completely moved out of our old house yet.  Paperwork, more formalities and all the other good things are holding us back.  Most of the stuff that I was writing about in my earlier post is gone (stored or donated).  Job well done for a pack rat like me.  Furniture is gone, boxes are gone, just a few last things that we still need are here.  It seems more peaceful without all that stuff although there is still some chaos and anticipation.  Will it all go well with the sale, will we be able to move to that new rental home?  At least this lengthy process made me realize that all the material possessions are just "things" and if I can survive with less I can survive!  I may come across as a hoarder or a borderline one, but it could be worse.  Wish I could be more Pisces like my Sun sign.  More careless, more flexible.  My Taurus rising is overshadowing all that is much needed during big changes like this.  I am trying to rise above and try to live with as little as we have now - even my kitchen stuff is mostly packed and in storage.  I am starting to enjoy the lightness of this transitional state.  Do you feel like it is sometimes much easier to live during a transition?  Is it the anticipation of the unknown that is comforting to you?  Or is it bothersome?  Is it the stability that scares you or is it the fact that you don't know where you end up from one day to the next?