We have just experienced the Solar Eclipse not long ago and now, on June 4th, the Full Moon Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is upon us at 14 degrees of Sagittarius. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Gemini. The Sun is conjunct Venus and Square Mars. Gemini is the sociable, go and get our there sign and Sagittarius is a philosophical sign. These two signs together symbolize shedding the old systems, moving on and starting something new. Societies around the world are reorganizing their belief systems, their political views, their economical structures. Individuals will feel the urge to reconcile the past, acknowledge it and move on into new social circles, meet new people and acquaintances. One of the ways to deal with the power of this Eclipse is to start living the life you always wanted to live. Seems impossible? Well, as my dear friend said - live your true reality, create your reality. I used to be skeptical but more and more I believe that it is, in essence, what we have to do in this world. This world is not changing, not for us. Sagittarius is a great dreamer. Gemini is more of a realist. What a perfect combination. Make your dreams real, or make your reality a dream?
In June Venus leaves the evening sky and enters the morning sky. This brightest planet will pass
right over the face of the Sun on the 4th and the 5th of June. This transit is very rare and it will
not happen again until the 11th of December, 2017. The Venus will
appear as a small, dark dot moving in front of the Sun. If you live in the Western Hemisphere the transit will happen in the afternoon hours on the 5th of June, if you live in the Eastern Hemisphere, the transit will be seen at sunrise on the 6th of June.
You may also visit the following website for a more detailed information. I am pretty sure that they will have live webcams so you can see this transit no matter where you live.
about an astrological meaning of this rare transit? The Sun represents
our heart and the Venus is all about love and passion. Filling our
heart with love will make each and every one of us stronger. We will be
able weather the storms we are encountering now, we will be able to
witness the breaking of the old systems (financial and social) and not
to feel fear, just love. Love is all around us. This unique transit
will intensify our relationships, the feeling of love, the passion.