There are many interesting articles you can find on
what we are about to experience as Uranus and Pluto come to an exact square in
a couple of days.
On June 24th we are going to have the first
of seven Uranus/Pluto squares. The
second one will be on September 20th of this year. Uranus/Pluto square is a challenging aspect
reminding us of issues that need to be addressed regardless whether they are a
part our social, political or personal world.
This aspect is very powerful and will affect us collectively. Depending on your own Uranus/Pluto placement
in your natal chart, the changes and transformations may be experienced on
different levels. Is it perhaps our own
renaissance? Will it transform our
hearts and teach us to follow our dreams, be true and be kind? Well, the path to greatness can lead through
much suffering. I know, it sounds a bit
gloomy. What is this all about?
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 – the beginning
of the great financial crisis. The last
period of Pluto in Capricorn was from 1762 to 1777 – the time of the American
Revolution. We are at a threshold of change. Our social, political and financial systems
are collapsing and transforming.
Uranus goes into Aries every 84 years and with that, a
whole new cycle begins and it always brings something unexpected and perhaps
scary. The last time Uranus was in Aries
was during the previous world financial collapse from 1927 to 1933. The change is upon us.
In other words, Uranus in Aries square Pluto in
Capricorn aspect will bring a mixture of what we have experienced in the
sixties (Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction) and the Great Depression (Uranus
in Aries).
Understanding this Uranus/Pluto energy as a transformative
and changing energy is helpful to understand and accept right now so we all are
prepared to face these challenging times.
Birth, death and rebirth are the themes of this cycle (2012-2015). Think of it as the death of the old
systems. I used to work in the corporate
world and saw the giant corporation dying long before it was near its end. There were people that were open to change,
dramatic change so to speak, there were innovators, there were leaders, some
people began to change the system, some of them simply jumped the ship. The times when Uranus squares Pluto are the times
when you are better off to let go of the old systems. Don’t be afraid to walk your own way. It may seem strange but that is exactly the
path to the liberation from the past. As
a society, we have allowed the darkness rule the light, we have let the
corporate powers control what we eat, what medications we take, what kind of
air we breathe, our working conditions, where we live… Will the banks take our
homes? Will we be able to survive? Will there be enough food? Will there be justice? Are we safe?
Pluto in Capricorn teaches us to be strong and
persistent, Uranus in Aries teaches us to be warriors. These are wonderful qualities to have and
they will enable us to move beyond the upcoming changes with strength and a
desire for change.
As the Mayan Long Count comes to an end we are facing a
new astrological cycle as foretold by the Mayan Elders. According to many indigenous prophecies this
will be the world of change, peace and growth in human consciousness. I respect, although I don’t agree or support,
that December 2012 will be the end of the world, with catastrophes,
earthquakes, floods and pole shifts. Let
this be an earthquake of our psychological world, a tsunami of the positive
change and a pole shift in our thinking so our hearts can grow and our souls
can blossom.
Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn – the planets
of transformation, the computer geek and the old time teacher. Let them lead us on a new path. Endings can be hard. Beginnings are a breath of fresh air. Let them lead us and show us the way.
Out of the dark, into the light.
Austrian singer Falco said in his song Out of the dark,
into the light – “Muß ich denn sterben, um zu leben?” - which translates to “Do
I have to die, in order to live?”
Do we have to sacrifice our past in order to carry on
and embrace the change?
A little music again – from the heart of Europe.
Have a great weekend.