Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Taurus
he Sun is in Aquarius. Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Taurus are visible in the evening at sunset (give and take since we are in the Pacific Northwest). For most of February Mars will rise just after sunset. Mercury will be visible in the evening sky from mid February. Saturn will rise at midnight at the beginning of February. If you are an early riser you will see Mars and Saturn. Mars will be above the southwest horizon and Saturn will rise in the east around midnight in early February. Saturn isn't the most exciting planet to watch, it isn't as exciting as Mars or as glamorous as Venus. No wonder it has been called "the oldest of the old sheep" by stargazers. At late night on February 11th you will see Saturn just slightly left of the waning gibbous Moon on the east. Happy stargazing!
Something wrong with the sign position of venus...