22 January, 2013

In the Midst of Winter

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

Albert Camus


This quote by Albert Camus – a Scorpio – made me think of Capricorn.  On January 11, 2013 we had five planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto) in Capricorn, a beautiful Earth sign Stellium.  It was the night of the New Moon.  We have set our goals for the New Year and whether we keep up with these goals or not, fulfill these dreams or not, will be solely up to us.  For those of you that are born under the Zodiac sign of Capricorn and for those who have a strong Earth element in your chart, January 11th was a good vibration day.  Although I am a Pisces, my Ascendant is in Taurus, I felt the comforting energy of the planets in Capricorn and felt the grounding of the Earth elements that once again proved to be so soothing. 

Sun in Capricorn is quiet.  Sun in Capricorn people do not crave praise, accolades and their spot in the limelight.  Sun in Capricorn people are trustworthy, dependable, hard-working, patient and persistent.  I sound like a Sunday Horoscope in a trashy magazine don’t I?  Sun sign description is very general but in many cases, it does apply if we keep an open mind.  One of the definite traits of Capricorn people is, that they are often the teachers of the Zodiac.  Their ruling planet is Saturn, the misunderstood “devil” in Astrology.  Yes, Saturn has been given many bad names and it has a bad rep.  If we look at Saturn as the planet that symbolizes the teacher, the one that does not let us fool around, the one that pushes us to thrive for better and climb higher – then, I think, we found the true meaning of Saturn.  Saturn is my worst and strictest math teacher.  Because of that I have always understood math and loved it.  Who is your Saturn?  

Capricorn people get younger with age.  As children they are serious and task oriented, as adults they are less rigid and as they get older, they play more.  They love life.   Often described as cold and calculating, task oriented and career hungry creatures, Capricorn people are serious, devoted and reliable but they are far from what the stereotypical old fashioned description of this sign is.  Reading in between the lines and opening our heart towards many possibilities, we see that as in the quote from Albert Camus, there is a great warmth that radiates from these people; there is an invincible summer, great passion and love.  No matter how the world pushes against them, the people with Sun Sign in Capricorn push right back.  Capricorn symbol is the sea goat.  It is a mythical mountain goat creature with dolphin like tail.  Therefore, Capricorn connects the highest of the mountains and the deepest of the seas.   It is an Earth sign that encompasses it all, our Mother Earth’s beauty from one spectrum to another.  Capricorn reaches from the highs of the Earth to its lows. 

The Full Moon in Capricorn represented out unfulfilled dreams.  Putting these dreams in a more concrete form was what we felt compelled to do.  Prioritizing our tasks and our dreams and plans is essential.  If we felt certain peace during the time of Capricorn Full Moon it is probably because we are on the right track.  If we felt out of balance it only means that we have a lot of catching up to do. 

Mercury in Capricorn reflected how we communicate with others.  Mercury was in Capricorn until January 18 and with Mercury in this sign there is a chance that we may feel old and tired when we talk to others, when we interact with people.  Perhaps it is the others that make us feeling worn out.  Some quiet time would be helpful to all of us so we can recharge and refresh.  Even socializing has its boundaries.  With Mercury in Capricorn it is time to make some serious commitments and plans whatever they might be.  Capricorn will sure keep us on task. 

Venus will stay in Capricorn until February 1.  Capricorn is a masculine sign and the sign of authority, Venus is the Divine Feminine.  Venus in Capricorn brings change to all women issues, to what women stand for and fight for.  Capricorn Venus is no longer going to be just an observer.  Women are taking the issues that affect them into their own hands.  In the United States of America, the 113th Congress has 20 female senators, the most ever in U.S. history.  And this is just the beginning.  The merging of the masculine symbolized by the Capricorn and the feminine that is represented by Venus has begun.  Feminine and masculine are just like yin and yang - two parts of one whole.

As I write this blog, it is January 11 and we have five planets in Capricorn – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto.  The energy around is grounded and still.  It is the beginning of a New Year, new hopes and a new start.  More people are set to stick with their new year’s resolutions.  Capricorn is the task maker of the Zodiac so get out your note pads, your planners or tablets and set out some goals to keep you on track this year.  Welcome to the New Year, the new future as we don’t know it. 

If you do lose sight somewhere along the way, if you begin to doubt yourself and feel like there is just too much of this “restricting” but calm energy and that it is pushing you down just remember the quote by Albert Camus.  It is an old one and maybe it has been overused by many, including me, but it is true.  I don’t know exactly why, but it has always reminded me of Capricorn.  

On a final note, Mercury and Sun left Capricorn on January 18.  Sun entered Aquarius.  So here we have it – as we are thinking about our future and future plans we are still grounded by a solid and calm energy of Capricorn.  What a perfect combination of dreaming and doing, future planning and being cautious and careful at the same time.  We all can allow both of these energies to gently flow through us and show us the way.  

Until next time.